Codex Sassoon, the World’s Earliest Most Complete Hebrew Bible 

The rare 1,100-year-old Hebrew Bible will be exhibited in the United States for the first time at SMU’s Bridwell Library, the only university on the Codex Sassoon’s five-city international tour before it comes up for auction at Sotheby’s in New York in May.

The Bible, known as the Codex Sassoon, is named for its 1929 purchaser, David Solomon Sassoon, a renowned collector who assembled the most significant private collection of Judaica and Hebraica manuscripts in the world. The nearly 800-page Bible was carefully lettered by a master scribe in Hebrew on parchment. It includes 24 books of the Hebrew Bible, the earliest and most complete Hebrew Bible extant in the world.

The Codex Sassoon provides the basis of Biblical translations used today by Jews and Christians. Islam also teaches that the Torah and Psalms contained within the Hebrew Bible are divinely revealed books.

April 18-20, 2023

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